What are Accredited Marine Surveyors?
Our accredited marine surveyors inspect, survey and examine marine vessels and ships, assessing and monitoring their condition. Accredited marine surveyors additionally examine equipment for ships and other marine vessels to guarantee that they adhere to certain standards and specifications. Included in our accredited marine survey examinations are the structure, machinery, equipment, such as safety and navigational, and the overall condition of the vessel.
As advanced practitioners in the marine industry, our accredited marine surveyors utilize their extensive knowledge, skills and expertise to deliver results and exceed their clients expectations. With decades of global marine industry work behind us, our accredited marine surveyors will ensure a top quality inspection is conducted on your vessel.
We realize that hiring accredited marine surveyors is not an easy decision. We understand that there are many options available for accredited marine surveyors globally to work with your company.
Orcades Marine has been an accredited marine surveyor for decades and we can guide your company through any issues it may face.
Oracdes Marine – Your Marine Consultancy
Orcades Marine is your leading accredited marine surveyor. We are experts in marine renewables, ship management, offshore operations, and ports and harbour logistics. Our accredited marine surveyors distinguish themselves by fostering our company ethos in all of our activities. Our team offers many years of experience to our client base with new ideas to methodical planning.
We create trust and confidence with our clients by giving robust risk management, reliability in delivery and transparency in our action and endeavors. Treating your projects, assignments and employees with the same respect as if it is our own, Orcades Marine will align with your organizations aspirations and goals.