Harbour Pier Extension Successfully Completed


Press Release

A new floating pier extension has just been completed at St Margaret’s Hope Pier in South Ronaldsay Orkney. The floating pier has been constructed from a steel flat top barge moored at right angles to the pier and provides approximately 20 metres of additional length to the existing pier, an additional 75 metres of berthing face for fishing, aquaculture and small workboats, and about 700 m2 of open storage area. The pier extension comes as a result of a business development plan that St Margaret’s Hope Pier Trustees commissioned to investigate cost effective ways to improve berthing and mooring facilities for users in the harbour at St Margaret’s Hope. The Trustees were keen to take into account any future expansion by existing users and the potential to encourage new business and visitors to St Margaret’s Hope. The floating extension to the fixed pier will accommodate the longer length of the new Pentland Ferries vessel. Orcades Marine Management Consultants Ltd based at Hatston were appointed as principal designers and project managers and the barge was sourced in the Netherlands and towed to Orkney by the multi-cat “C-Fenna” and the marine and shore works we carried out by Leask Marine Ltd. The floating pier extension is a temporary arrangement and the additional berthing, storage and protection it provides to users of the harbour at St Margaret’s Hope will be evaluated over the next two years.

Quote   from   Trustees/Chairman “The   floating   pier   extension   has   already   proved  its  worth, providing additional berthing and shelter for 11 vessels. It has proven to be a steady and stable platform in the worst conditions experienced so far this winter, and combined with the other pier improvements we are making, we hope it will encourage more vessels to use the Hope Pier. We engaged with local companies Orcades Marine Management Consultants as principal contractor and Leask Marine as sub-contractors to deliver this project for the Trust and we are very happy with the results, two local companies delivering to the highest standards”.