Orcades Marine Management Consultants Ltd regards health, safety and the environment as three key areas in its sphere of operations that are of paramount importance and need to be effectively controlled to prevent unnecessary injuries, loss of life, damage to health, property and degradation of the environment.
To meet this requirement:
Orcades Marine Management Consultants Ltd has embraced the spirit and the principals of good safety management within its Health, Safety & Environmental Management System that is documented, implemented and maintained. The HSE management system is designed to ensure the following guiding policy principles are followed:
That the companies activities are sufficiently controlled to protect personnel, property and the environment from all risks and hazards that can be reasonably expected
That consultation takes place with employees on matters regarding health and safety
The company will abide by environmental legislation and will work towards continuous improvement in the state of the environment by promoting approaches that avoid unnecessary damage and disturbance, minimise negative impacts and maximise positive opportunities wherever they arise.
To provide and maintain safe plant and equipment and conditions for the safe handling of substances
That employees receive adequate information, instruction and supervision.
That personnel are competent and receive adequate training
That every effort is made to prevent environmental damage, accidents and work related ill health and to maintain and provide safe and healthy working conditions
That this policy is publicly available and reviewed and revised on a regular basis and that progress towards meeting policy objectives are monitored and measured within a framework of policy objectives and targets
The Company also recognises that an effective Safety and Environmental Protection Policy makes for a more profitable operation and thereby ensures the welfare of all involved in the business both ashore and at sea.
Safety is the concern of all and has no rank. However, to be effective it has to be management led.
To this end, the management is committed to making all personnel more safety conscious and encourage all to become actively involved in identifying possible hazards, investigating all accidents or near miss incidents, implementing corrective action and constantly monitoring and improving all facets of their working environment to ensure safety conditions prevail.
Captain David Thomson,
February 28th 2013