Orkney marine services suppliers join forces to welcome Vega Omikron

The container feeder ship “Vega Omikron” arrived in Scapa Flow, Orkney on 10th June 2020 for a short term lay-up. The vessel had been lying at anchor off Panama before receiving orders to relocate to Scapa Flow.

The vessel can carry around a 1000 containers, is 139 metres long and has a deadweight of 9,600 tonnes. The operators, Vega Reederei Gmbh, contacted Orcades Marine Management Consultants Ltd to co-ordinate the lay-up period. Orcades Marine worked closely with Orkney Islands Council Harbour Authority to produce a viable and safe solution for the mooring and lay-up period and carried out the design of the mooring arrangement. The mooring analysis was performed in ProteusDS software fully supported by Dynamic Systems Analysis (DSA) Ltd who independently validated the process.

Local marine contractors Leask Marine Ltd provided and installed all the mooring components. The tugs, pilot launches and workboats were supplied by both OIC Harbour Authority and Leask Marine, and the Mooring Master’s and Client Representative supplied by Orcades Marine ensured the success of the mooring operation. Local shipping agent GAC UK is providing vessel agency and husbandry services including chartering a special flight from Orkney to mainland Scotland for the repatriation of Officers and Crew to the Philippines.

During the lay-up period Orcades Marine will also be providing engineers for continued routine maintenance on the vessel and regular checks on the moorings and security and emergency call out.

Captain David Thomson, MD Orcades Marine said “It has been a great collaborative effort by some of the islands key marine service suppliers working closely with the Harbour Authority to ensure this new operation is a success and hopefully to encourage further opportunities of this kind “


Photo credit: Mandy Cromarty Photography