Seminar on new Floating Container Storage and Transhipment Terminal – March 27th

floating container storage and transhipment terminal

Orcades Marine and partners Orkney Islands Council Harbour Authority, supported by Highland and Islands Enterprise are hosting a ground breaking seminar to present the demonstration project for the new Floating Container Storage and Transhipment (FCST) Terminal, at Scapa Flow in Orkney, Scotland.

The FCST brings a positive financial and operating perspective and a new impetus to the prospect of a low-cost container transhipment terminal at Scapa Flow, a project that has been talked about for many years and is currently featured on the Scottish Government’s National Infrastructure Plan.

floating container storage and transhipment terminal

During the seminar, we will be reviewing  the financial advantages of the FCST and funding from Scottish Enterprise and the EU TEN-T Programme, the market and liner networks analysis, the positive environmental impacts and the operational capability.

About Orcades Marine

More About Floating Container Storage & Transhipment (FCST)