Harry specializes in, ISM, ISPS, ISO external and internal audits and TMSA based Management reviews and OCIMF Sire inspections. He also carries out Sale and Purchase Inspections as well as Time Charter Inspections, together with Expert Witness work for various Law Firms. He has written and implemented ISM/ISO for a company ISM System. He has acted as advisor to the Chamber of Shipping on behalf of the Short Sea Group and represented the British Motor Ship Owners on various MCA regional safety committee forums. He has been a Director of the Ship Safe Training Group involved in cadet training and has acted in an advisory capacity to the Merchant Navy Training board on cadet training. He developed and managed the Whitaker Group Cadet program which has injected some 278 young officers into the industry. He also developed and encouraged Company Near miss and KPI reporting system which has been highly commended by several Oil Majors.