News Release: GAC UK and Orcades Marine join forces

Grangemouth, 13 September 2019 – GAC UK and leading marine consultants Orcades Marine have joined forces to offer an array of consultancy services and specialist personnel to the industry.

David Thomson, Managing Director of Orcades Marine, and Herman Jorgensen, GAC UK’s Managing Director, at SPE Offshore Europe on 5th September

The partnership was formed in response to rapid developments in offshore and shipping technology and the growing marine and offshore renewable energy sector. It unites Orcades Marine’s decades of experience in maritime consultancy with the expertise and global reputation of GAC, the UK’s leading ship agent.

Both partners are well known for their specialist innovative consultancy that keeps pace with the fast-growing offshore renewables sector and the needs of companies serving it. Renewables currently produce more than 20% of the UK’s electricity and targets set by the EU Renewable Energy Directive predict that this is likely to increase to 30% by 2020.

The GAC UK-Orcades Marine team of consultants cover all UK, North Sea and North West European ports and beyond. Providing a wide range of consultancy services including auditing of workboats, terminals, cargo operations and surveys, navigation assessment, mooring design & analysis, offshore & marine renewable installation support, the partnership also draws on the expertise of specialists such as tow masters, rig movers, mooring masters, marine warranty surveyors and naval architects.

“GAC has a long tradition of working closely and strategically with our supply chain, so this alliance with Orcades Marine was a next natural step for us,” says Herman Jorgensen, GAC UK’s Managing Director. “We are looking to expand our network further over the coming years with similar partnerships that will bring the best of both worlds, offering GAC customers even more value-added expertise and support whilst giving local, independent companies access to a global market.”